Images(for the slideshow please scroll down)It's not enough to show only information and data about the Rhemes valley, which is surely of great interest to those who want to know this place in a deeper way. What is certainly even more interesting and captivating to our visitors is photographic material that gives them a better idea of how beautiful this valley really is. In this page we would like to show you a short presentation of pictures shot by Emanuele Marzocca and Andrew Pointon, during their frequent and recurring holidays to Val di Rhemes, as well as some winter images taken by Helga Eisner who is fortunate to live in Aosta Valley. This is not an exhaustive collection of images pertaining to the various features of the valley, but just a small photographic tribute to some of the wonderful places you can admire in Val di Rhemes. We therefore hope that this slideshow will inspire you to visit this "Hidden Gem of Val d'Aosta" that surely deserves to be praised not only for its natural beauty, but also for the extreme care and respect of the territory by its inhabitants who are very warm, friendly and hospitable. To start the slideshow please click here